Anthony Reynolds biography (click here)
Complete list of works

Pioneer Soundtracks (Jack) 1996
How to make love Part one (Jacques) 1997
The Jazz Age (Jack) 1998
To Stars (Jacques) 2000
The end of the way it's always been (Jack) 2002
Neu York (anthony) 2004
British Ballads (Anthony Reynolds) 2007
Singles, EPS, Collaborations
Kid Stardust/I didn't mean it Marie (Jack) 1995
Wintercomessummer (Jack) 1996
White jazz (Jack) 1996
Biography of a first Son (Jack) 1996
Five fingered discount (Kirk lakes and Jacques) 1997
Fall in love with me again/Cinematic (Jack) 1997
Lolita elle/3 o'clock I the morning (Jack) 1998
Steamin' (Jack) 1998
Faster than beauty (Jacques) 1999
La belle et la discothèque (Jack) 2000
Blue party (Jacques) 2000
Summercries (Franck Roussell and Anthony Reynolds) 2001
The emperor of new London (Jack) 2002
Sleepin' makes me thirsty (Jack) 2002
Roses for ashes (Jacques) 2002
Romantic (Jacques) 2002
Io Bevo (Hollow Blue and Anthony Reynolds) 2004
I was born (in prehistoric Spain) (anthony) 2004
Ponies (Anthony Reynolds) 2005
Bees Dream of flowers and your summers meadow breath (Anthony Reynolds with Charlotte Greig and Vashti Bunyan) 2008
Blues for Bobby Solo (Anthony Reynolds and La Muneca de sal) 2010

Lost works
An anatomy of melancholy (Jack) 1999
Happiness (Jacques) 2001
Horses make the scenery more beautiful (Reynolds and Roussell) 2003
Woody Allen Gonzo (Jodiefoster) 2006

'An alcoholic afternoon with Anthony Reynolds'
Laugharne, Wales, 2007.
'And what exactly is a joke?' A concert of Syd Barret songs arranged for classical quartet by Marco Lenzi.
Vocals by Anthony Reynolds.
Performed in Italy and Wales, 2009.

These Roses taste like ashes (collected lyrics, poetry and prose) 2001
The impossible dream: The Story of Scott Walker with the Walker brothers
(Biography) 2009
White boy mystery Blues (Biography) 2009
Calling all demons (poetry) 2010
